Awards and Honors
Foto: Salome Roessler / lensandlight
e-health-Award 2022/2023
In April 2023 the KST Institute was awarded the prestigious e-health-award 2022/2023 by the state government of Hessen for the project „KST-Freach“, an online-plattform for hybrid speech therapy.
Honorary plaque of the Hessian Medical Association “Landesärztekammer Hessen” 2022 in silver
Following a resolution of the Hessian Medical Association for outstanding achievements. Wolff von Gudenberg founded the Kassel Stuttering Therapy Institute in 1996 and is working on a digital treatment platform for speech therapy teletherapy. „Learn to speak fluently online, stuttering therapy eliminates language handicap“
dfg-Award 2019
dfg (Service for Social Policy) in the category „Outstanding digital care models in healthcare“ with AOK Hessen 2019
Eugen-Münch-Preis 2017
„Speechagain – participating in life again thanks to digital therapy“
Dr. Alexander Wolff von Gudenberg (founder and medical director of KST) and team won the prize for innovative healthcare provision in the category „practical application“
Medical Management Award at the ConhIT Congress 2015
ConhIT (Connecting Health Care IT – now DMEA Connecting Digital Health) „Teletherapy Stuttering“ (with TK)
E-Learning-Award 2013
The PARLO Institute for Research and Teaching in Speech Therapy with the Kassel Stuttering Therapy: E-Learning Award for the project „Internet platform for communication medicine“
Best in cloud 2013
Together with vitero GmbH, winner of the Best in Cloud Award
„Telemedical Internet platform for stuttering therapy“