Kasseler Stuttering Therapy

Therapeutic Concept

The Kassel stuttering therapy is one of the direct therapeutic approaches. This means we start working directly with the symptoms of stuttering and all associated behaviors. Through the technique of „soft speaking“ you will learn to speak more fluently and thus gain more speech control in order to be able to perform confidently in all speaking situations. It is particularly important to us that our program prepares for and works in all everyday life situations.

The therapy is scientifically accompanied by independant research organisations, who regularly publish their studies in scientific journals. For more information and study results, see Publications.

Kasseler Stottertherapie Methode und Ziel

Method and goal of stuttering therapy

We work according to the speech restructuring approach „fluency shaping“, which means that you will learn a new speech pattern, the so called „soft speaking“. Our concept is based on behavioral therapy principles, meaning that speaking is completely remodeled, starting from easy to difficult speaking requirements, and is therefore more fluent. The focus lies on feeling and implementing a good interaction between breathing, voice and articulation, even in stressful situations, and in everyday life.

„Soft speaking“

In order to integrate „soft speaking“ into your life, we work intensively with parents (in the case of adolescents) or with the involvement of relatives or friends and an intensive, effective, structured aftercare. You will be accompanied over several months by our therapists. We will face all challenges together.

Our goal is that you are able to say what you want and to be able to face all daily situations with confidence.